Focus Hotels Environmental Policy

  1. Focus Hotels is a Company which specialises in managing hotels and providing accommodation. We are a Company proud of our continuing development and improvement and our ability to satisfy our clients’ needs.
  2. Focus Hotels acknowledges the need to conduct its business in a manner, which is consistent with protecting both the global and local environment. It will commit the necessary financial and personnel resources, using best endeavours subject to the financial constraints of the Company, to fulfil the Company’s commitment to improving the environment and prevention of pollution in line with this Environmental Policy.
  3. The Board of Directors take personal responsibility for the environmental performance of Focus Hotels and the Managing Director agrees this policy in acknowledgement of this responsibility and environmental strategy.
  4. Focus Hotels is committed to protecting the environment by complying with all relevant UK and EU environmental legislation and regulatory provisions, and to meeting appropriate national standards.
  5. Focus Hotels is committed to continual improvements in its environmental performance, through the implementation of and the establishment of measurable environmental objectives and targets. These will be documented, implemented, maintained, monitored and reviewed. The Company will take into account any audit findings, changes in legislation, advances in scientific and technical knowledge and any changes in organisational and industrial factors.
  6. Focus Hotels is committed to preventing illegal pollution through source reduction or elimination to lessen or avoid the generation of waste and emissions, or by internal re-use or recycling of materials or equipment, or by external re-use or recycling, or by controlled incineration or disposal, where permissible and all where economically and technically feasible.
  7. Focus Hotels has recognised the following business objectives, which when minimised or eliminated, will improve the Company’s environmental performance:-
    • Use of Information Technology to minimise paper consumption
    • The recycling of paper and packaging
    • The minimisation of solid waste
    • The use of fuels in company vehicles where availability and transport needs allow to minimise our impact on global warming
    • The use of geographical location planning and route mapping to minimise transport costs and fuel consumption
    • The increased home working of its employees where practical to decrease travel to and from the main workplace
    • The encouragement of staff to use public transport where practical
  8. Focus Hotels is committed to using materials, equipment and procedures which pose the least risk to the environment, where economically feasible to do so, both on its own and its Client’s premises subject to Client approval.
  9. All Focus Hotels employees are given information on environmental awareness and its importance in maintaining and improving Focus Hotel’s environmental performance. This Environmental Policy will be communicated to all employees.
  10. Focus Hotel’s Environmental Policy is subject to regular review and will be made available to the public.